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Recommended books

Here are some books I recommend, arranged into three categories:


You may also find the 2009 HEA pamphlet 'Teaching Ancient Languages: a selected guide to available material' by Juan Coderch useful. 

Latin language


Cambridge Latin Course

UK 5th edition for Book 1 now published.


Oxford Latin Course

by Maurice Balme and James Morwood


Essential GCSE Latin

by John Taylor



Minimus: Starting out in Latin

by Barbara Bell and Helen Forte


So you really want to learn Latin

by N. R. R. Oulton

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De Romanis

by Katharine Radice et al



Latin Beyond GCSE

by John Taylor



Latin Stories, a GCSE reader

by Henry Cullen, Michael Dormandy and John Taylor


Ecce Romani: a Latin reading course

Prepared by the Scottish Classics Group


Latin to GCSE

by Henry Cullen and John Taylor

Greek language



by Maurice Balme, Gilbert Lawall, et al.


Greek for Beginners

by L. A. Wilding


Greek Stories, a GCSE reader

by John Taylor and Kristian Waite


Greek to GCSE

By John Taylor

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Basil Batrakhos

Classics for All



Emily Matters


Greek Beyond GCSE

By John Taylor

Classics teaching


Changing Classics in Schools

Lister, B. (2007). Cambridge University Press.


Two studies: the first, the development of the War with Troy resources designed for Primary School students here; the second, the development of the digital resources for the Cambridge Latin Course here. Also, a good flavour of the issues around the teaching of Classics in the UK, including literacy and teacher training.


Latin for the 21st Century, from Concept to Classroom

LaFleur, R. (1998). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley.


A little out-of-date. However, a good overview of some of the issues concerning the teaching of Latin and Greek in US schools and colleges. Sections on teaching using grammar-translation methods are useful.


Meeting the Challenge: International Perspectives on the Teaching of Latin

Lister, B. (2008). Cambridge University Press.


Edited volume examining ways in which teachers from around the world have used to develop the teaching of Latin.


On Teaching Classics

Sharwood Smith, J. (1977). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.


(out of print). Hard to get hold of: the book explores the teaching of classics in UK schools in the 1970s.

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Starting to Teach Latin

Hunt, S (2016). Bloomsbury Academic

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Teaching Classics with Technology

Natoli, B. & Hunt, S. (2019). Bloomsbury Academic

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Communicative Approaches for Ancient Languages.

Lloyd, M. & Hunt, S.  (2021). Bloomsbury Academic


Teaching Latin: Theories, Contexts, Practices

Hunt, S. (2022). Bloomsbury Academic


The Teaching of Classics

Morwood, J. (2003). Cambridge University Press.


Snapshots of teaching Classics in schools in the UK. A little out of date, but has some good chapters on the development of reading-comprehension courses for Latin in the UK.


When Dead Tongues Speak: Teaching Beginning Greek and Latin

Gruber-Miller, J. (2006). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.


From a US perspective: a good book from varied teacher experiences about teaching Latin and Greek in the classroom. Sections on free composition are useful.


A History of Education in Antiquity

Marrou, H. I., Trans. Lamb, G.  (1956). Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press.


Classics, a discipline and profession in crisis

Culham, P. and Edmunds, L. (1989). Lanam: University Press of America


Out-of-date, but an interesting snapshot of some of the same issues which affect the teaching of classics today. Mostly from a US college (university) perspective.


Classics Teaching in Europe

Bulwer, J. (2006). London: Duckworth.


Slightly out-of-date. The book gives a varied outlook on the status of classical subjects in states across Europe.


Classics Transformed: Schools, Universities and Societies in England, 1830-1960

Stray, C. (1998). Oxford: Clarendon Press.



Fifty Years of the Joint Association of Classical Teachers

This one-off publication marked the anniversary of the foundation of the Joint Association of Classical Teachers (JACT) in 2013. It gives a flavour of the teaching and the organizations to support the teaching Classics in the UK over the fifty year period from when JACT was founded.


It is not currently available, so I have provided a copy here

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Forward with Classics

Holmes-Henderson, A., Hunt, S. and Musie, M. (2018). London: Bloomsbury Academic.


From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom

Rabinowitz, N. S., and McHardy, F. (2014). Columbus: The Ohio State University Press.


UK and US college / university teachers share their experiences of teaching difficult and sensitive materials.


Learning Latin and Greek from Antiquity to the Present

Archibald, E., Brockliss, W. and Gnoza, J. (2015). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Two chapters are relevant to the modern world – Kenneth Kitchell and Bob Lister.


Learning Latin the Ancient Way

Dickey, E. (2016). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Dickey has translated ancient text guides to the learning of Latin for Greeks and vice versa.


Modernising the Classics, a Study in Curriculum Development

Forrest, M. (1996). Exeter: University of Exeter Press.


Describes the development of the Cambridge Latin Course: a thorough case study.


Re-Appraisal: Some New Thoughts on the Teaching of Classics

This was published in 1962 by the Classical Association in response to the threat to the study of classical subjects from the decision of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge to remove the matriculation requirement for Latin and in the face of changing circumstances in schooling at the time.


Some of the arguments and thoughts and ideas are as pertinent today as they were over 60 years ago.


It is not currently available so I have provided a copy here


Teach the Latin, I Pray You

Distler, P. (1962). Chicago: Loyola University Press.


Out-of-date in terms of the current educational landscape. However, some discussions on how to teach are still very relevant. Difficult to get hold of.


Teaching Classics in English Schools, 1500-1840

Adams, M. (2015) Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.


The Living Word: W. H. D. Rouse and the Crisis of Classics in Edwardian England

Stray, C. (1992). Bristol: Bristol Classical Press.


A sympathetic portrait of Rouse’s school-teaching days.

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A People's History of Classics. Class and Graeco-Roman Antiquity in Britain and Ireland 1689-1939

Edith Hall and Henry Stead. 2020.

A wealth of research into classics outside the elites.


Viae Novae: New Techniques in Latin Teaching

Morris, S. (1966). London: Hulton.

(out of print). An oldie – but with some good ideas on assessment.


Global Classics

Bromberg, J. (2021). London: Routledge. 

What makes Classics 'Global'? How can the study of antiquity contribute to our understanding of pressing global issues?

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Classics and Prison Education in the US

Capettini, E. & Sorkin Rabinowitz, N.  (2021). London: Routledge. 

This volume focuses on teaching Classics in carceral contexts in the US and offers an overview of the range of incarcerated adults, their circumstances, and the ways in which they are approaching and reinterpreting Greek and Roman texts.


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Classics at Primary Schools. A Tool for Social Justice.

Bracke, E. (2022). London: Routledge. 

This is the first book to provide a practical toolkit, grounded in both current educational practice and pedagogical research, on teaching Latin and ancient Greek at primary school with the aim of empowering primary school age children who do not traditionally get access to Classics in education.

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Expanding Classics. Practitioner perspectives from museums and schools.

Holmes-Henderson, A. (2023). London: Routledge. 

This volume explores innovative ways of opening up classical languages and cultures to educational and museum audiences. It shows that classical subjects have an important role to play within society, and can enrich individuals’ lives in many different, and perhaps surprising, ways.

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Diversity and the Study of Antiquity in Higher Education in North America and Europe.

Libatique, D. & McHardy, F. (2023). London: Routledge. 

This volume explores how the study of antiquity can be made relevant and inclusive for a diverse range of 21st century students by bringing together perspectives from colleagues working in higher education at different career stages, roles, and from different backgrounds in the US, UK, and Greece.

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Classical Heritage and European Identities

Laerke Maria Andersen Funder, Troels Myrup Kristensen and Vinnie Norskov (2019) London: Routledge. 

This volume examines how the heritages of classical antiquity have been used to construct European identities, and especially the concept of citizenship, in Denmark from the eighteenth century to the present day. Chapter 2 explores the development and practice of the teaching and learning of classical civilisations in the Danish classroom.

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Greek Tragedy, Education, and Theatre Practices in the UK Classics Ecology

David Bullen and Christine Plastow (2024) London: Routledge. 

Through a series of case studies, this book explores the interrelations among Greek tragedy, theatre practices, and education in the United Kingdom. Chapters 6 and 7 are about participation in choruses as being of pedagogic value and for community cohesion.

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Living Latin. Everyday Language and Popular Culture

Charlie Kerrigan (2024) London: Bloomsbury Academic. 

This book provides a highly accessible, lucid, concise and enjoyable account of the Latin language, which is never monolithic, throughout history..

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Transmitting a Heritage. The Teaching of Ancient Language from Antiquity to the 21st Century

Rico, C. and Pedicone, J.  (2022). Jerusalem: Polis Institute Press

Sections IV, V and VI are relevant, including practical examples drawn from the classroom.

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Classics in Action

Dixon, J. & Holmes-Henderson, A.  (2024). London: John Catt. 

The authors showcase ideas from their own teaching experience, plus innovative examples from a range of schools, to provide strategies for teaching Latin, Greek, Classical Civilisation and Ancient History that will enrich, enliven and extend your teaching practice.

Booklets and pamphlets

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Council of University Classics Departments

An independent research study on attitudes to the employment of Classics graduates

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