If you would like a PDF of one of these chapters, please contact me.
Didaskalos 1.1, 1963. pdfs available
A Theory of Classical Education. R. R. Bolgar. pp. 5-26
The Place of Classics in a New University. Martin Wright. pp. 27-36
La Situation des langues classiques dans l’enseignement francais. Robert Schilling. pp. 37-44
Some observations on the Pronunciation of Latin. W. Sidney Allen. pp. 45-54
Scansion: the eye and the ear. An experiment. C. O . Brink. pp. 55-62
The Ordinary Level Latin Examination
General introduction. C. W. Baty. pp. 71-78
The Oxford and Cambridge Joint Examinations Board O-Level Latin Papers, December 1960. pp. 79-84
First Review. John Wilson. pp. 85-88
Second Review. B. J. H. and J. S. S. pp. 89-94
Reply. B. G. C. Levens. pp. 95-100
Sixth Form Studies: Classical Literature – 1. Maurice Balme. pp. 101-106
Sixth Form Studies: Classical Literature – 2. R. H. Barrow. pp. 107-112
Performing Greek Tragedy in Schools – 1. David Raeburn. pp. 113-122
Modern Language Teaching and the Teaching of Classical Languages. W. R. Lee. pp. 123-132
Audio-visual Techniques of Language Teaching: the theoretical basis. M. C. Sargent. pp. 133-144
Classics Teaching: a select bibliography and a note on recent research. Sidney Morris. pp. 145-150
Didaskalos 1.2, 1964. pdfs available
Editorial. John Sharwood Smith. pp. 1
A Theory of Classical Education – 2. E. H. Kenny. pp. 2-18
Prose Composition
The Historical Background. M. L. Clarke. pp. 19-21
The Value of Prose Composition -1. A. G. Lee. pp. 22-25
The Value of Prose Composition – 2. R. Bambrough. pp. 26-27
Classics Without Prose Composition. L. Leather and A. C. Reynell. pp. 28-30
The Art and Practice of Translation. J. H. M. Berwick. pp. 31-41
The Ordinary Level Latin Examination.
General Introduction. S. Wiseman. pp. 42-48
The Joint Matriculation Board O-level Latin papers, July 1963. pp. 49-52
First Review. G. Morgan. pp. 53-56
Second Review. M. S. Justins. pp. 57-60
Reply. D. Bunyon. pp. 61-67
An Experiment in Audio-Visual Latin Teaching – 1. P. L. K. Buckle and R. Ellwood. pp. 68-77
An Experiment in Audio-Visual Latin Teaching -2. W. B. Thompson. pp. 78-80
Ancient Grammarians and Modern Linguistics. R. H. Robins. pp 81-89
-orum and -arum. L. E. Eyres. pp. 90-95
L’Association des Classiques Sortis de l’Universite de Liege. P. Constant. pp. 96-105
W. H. D. Rouse and the Association for the Reform of Latin Teaching. F. R. Dale. pp. 106-114
Reflections. M. Cole. pp. 115-123
Performing Greek Tragedy in Schools -2. D. Raeburn. pp. 124-132
Some Trends in English Teaching Today. N. Martin. pp. 133-141
What Happens to Classics Graduates? M. Kendall. pp. 142-147
obiter carpta. pp. 148-151
Didaskalos 1.3, 1965. pdfs available
Editorial. John Sharwood Smith. pp. 1-2
A theory of Classical Education – 3. The Classics in the Sixties. M. McCrum. pp. 3-19
The use of Latin prose composition. R. Knox. pp. 20-21
Ancient History at A-level
History at the Advanced Level. F. Sparrow. pp. 2330
Advanced Level Ancient History. pp. 31-34
Review. J. Graham. pp. 35-39
Reply. B. Warmington. pp. 40-46
la situazione delle lingue classiche nella scuola italiana. A. Grilli. pp. 47-56
Sanskrit in Indian Education. K. Mukerjee. pp. 57-65
Ancient History in the senior forms -1. M. Finley. pp. 66-74
Ancient History in the senior forms -2. C. Haworth. pp. 75-82
What is History? W. von Leyden. pp. 83-91
Trends in History teaching. M. Bryant. pp. 92-103
Latin in preparatory schools -1. E. Langhorne. pp. 104-119
Latin in preparatory schools -2. A. Davis. pp. 120-128
Report on an inquiry. G. Cawkwell and D. Russell. pp. 129-134
Latin in two-subject Honours degrees. T. Ryder. pp. 135-139
Postgraduate research and the future scholar. R. Ogilvie. pp. 140-144
An approach to medieval Latin literature. F. Brittain. pp. 145-152
Roman history and the Roman coinage. R. Carson. pp. 153-164
Nine types of editor. E. Connell. pp. 165-167
The importance of the oral approach to modern language teaching. C. Russell. pp. 168-174
Convenienter naturae. J. Hawthorn. pp. 175-177
The crisis in the Classics. ‘R. Yarrington’. pp. 178-183
Didaskalos 2.1, 1966. pdfs not yet available
Editorial. John Sharwood Smith. pp. 1-2
A Theory of Classical Education - 4. J. P. Sullivan. pp. 3-14
The critical study of literature. K. Quinn. pp. 15-25
Aestimanda and the humane study of literature. P. S. Doughty. pp. 26-38.
Practical criticism. M. Balme and M. Warman. pp. 39-47.
On teaching Classics at Groton. J. L. MacDonald. pp. 48-56.
Examining literacy studies. P. Creek. pp. 57-64.
The Cambridge A-level Latin syllabus and papers. 1965.
The papers. pp. 65-72.
The Cambridge A-level Latin syllabus and papers. P. Ferguson. pp. 73-81.
Reply. W. K. Lacey. pp. 81-85.
Transfer. R. M. Foss. pp. 86-90.
In translation. J. Wilkins. pp. 91-100.
A psychological approach to mythology. 1. M. D. Marshak. pp. 101-110.
Some aspects of the Classics at Ibadan. J. Ferguson. pp. 111-118.
The Classics in Africa. O. Esan. pp. 119-126.
Die Situiation des altsprachlichen Unterrichts in Westdeutschland. G. Horning. pp. 127-138. (with summary translation into English).
CSE and the Classics
Syllabus. pp. 139-142.
Examination papers. pp. 143-148.
Note. pp. 149-154.
Performing Graeco-Roman comedy in schools -1. H. C. Fay. pp. 155-164.
The staple of English education. D. Pym. pp. 165-174.
Prose composition again. The case for composing. J. E. T. Brown. pp. 175-181.
Some books for critics. J. V. Muir. pp. 182-187.
Didaskalos 2.2, 1967
Editorial. John Sharwood Smith. p.1
A Theory of Classical education - 5. R. S. Peters. pp. 311
The Future of Greek in Schools. C. Handley. pp. 12-22
Greek: the Rescue Operation. T. Saunders. pp. 23-25
The Rescue Operation: some supplementary remarks. E. W. Whittle. pp. 26-27
A Case for Greek. A. T. Collins. pp. 28-39
Greek. Ordinary Level: Regulations for the Summer Examination 1966. pp. 31-37
The Oxford O-Level Greek Syllabus and Papers. M. R. Gunningham. pp. 38-43
Reply. N. C. Dexter. pp.44-49
A Diet of Xenophon. G. L. Cawkwell. pp. 50-58
The Present State of Hellenic Studies. M. M. Wilcock. pp. 59-69
Greek Coins and Greek Civilization. J. P. Barron. pp. 70-80
Travel for Hellenists. A. R. Burn. pp. 81-89
The Oral Accentuation of Greek. W. S. Allen. pp. 90-99
The 'Narrow-Minded Linguist'. M. Mortimer & J. Roberts. pp. 100-114
The Study of Language and the Study of Literature. R. Coleman. pp. 115-128
Reflections after a Decade of Extra-Mural Greek. H. Huxley. pp. 129-134
Performing Graeco-Roman Comedy in school - 2. H. Fay. pp. 135-140
The Continued Development of the Structural Approach. W. E. Sweet. pp. 141-159
Roman Britain in School. N. Cook & D. E. Johnston. pp. 160-169
Didaskalsos 2.3, 1968
Editorial. John Sharwood Smith. p1-2
A Theory of Classical education - 6. M. and M. Thorpe. pp.3-17
Translations. K. G. Todd. pp18-27
The way is slow, but sweet. J. Ashbridge. pp.28-35
The general Classics course in Danish secondary schools. B. Jacobsen. pp.36-45
A glimpse at the American scene: under=specialisation and Classics in translation. T. T. B. Ryder. pp46-52
The new Heraclitus: or how to educate for nothing in particular. C. Stray. pp.53-61
Greek philosophy: Thales to Aristotle. Suggestions for a one-term course without Greek. B. Farrington. pp.62-71
Teaching the Classics in Translation. G. F. Else. pp.72-79
Oxford Local Examinations: O level. Greek Literature in Translation. pp. 80-93
A Psychological Approach to Mythology 2. M. D. Marshak. pp.94-105
Odysseus and commuters. A note on myth. J. Britton. pp.106-113
The Commentator's Task. K. Quinn. pp114-126
Aspects of Roman Law. C. C. Turpin. pp127-136
English Teaching. P. W. pp137-146
Travel for Hellenists: a note by A. R. Burn. pp147
On the pronunciation of the Ancient Greek accents. W. B. Stanford pp.148-155
The new Latin Common Entrance - a preparatory school reaction. C. A. Stuart-Clark. pp.156-159
Some statistical trends in Classics. E. A. Paul. pp160164
The subscription to JACT. pp165-168
Didaskalos 3.1 1969
Editorial. John Sharwood Smith. p.1
Classical education and historical discontinuity. H. W. Pleket. pp.3-17
Classical studies: has the past a future? A. W. D. Adkins. pp. 18-35
JACT Ancient History A level pp. 36-47
Review: the JACT Ancient History A Level. J Hart. pp. 48-59
Reply. G. E. F. Chilver. pp. 60-63
'Quid Novi?' A review [of the Cambridge Latin Course]. W. R. Lee. pp. 64-70.
'Principles' and 'Pseudolus Noster': a review. F. B. K. Dennis. pp. 71-78
Reply: C. W. E. Peckett and A. R. Munday. pp. 79-82
'Latin': a review. S. Haskell. pp. 83-87.
Reply: C. H. Craddock. pp.88-91
'A Programmed latin Course': review. C. I Vaughan. pp.92-99
Teaching Latin in America: some recent developments. D. H. Kelly. pp. 100-109
How to Read a Bit of Latin. D. West. pp. 110-114
An experimental first-year University Latin course. J. C. Davies and J. H. Molyneux. pp. 115-119
New attempts by old methods. J. G. Landels. pp. 120-128
Latin with a modern language at Cambridge: a new course. L. P. Wilkinson. pp.129-133
Towards the teaching of classical civilisation. A. Kilgour. pp. 134-142
CSE classical studies and the East Midlands Regional Examinations Board. L. F. Vhurchill. pp. 143-151
CSE classical studies and the Cambridge School Classics Project. M. Forrest. pp. 152-158
Two strands of Greek influence in architecture. B. Allsopp. pp. 159-167
Teaching the classical languages: towards a theory - 1. J. Wilkins. pp.168-197