Teaching difficult and sensitive subjects
The following articles have been written about this area:
Bostick, D. Teaching Slavery in the High School Latin Classroom In Media Res
Paul Hamilton (2023) 5 key points when teaching ‘difficult’ history. Brief resume in TES Magazine (free sign-up for access).
Hunt S. (2016). Teaching Sensitive Topics in the Secondary Classics Classroom. Journal of Classics Teaching.17(34):31-43.
Peddar D. (2023) Steps towards inclusivity: modifying challenging content, navigating pedagogical materials and initiating student reflection within the Classics classroom. Journal of Classics Teaching. 1-4
Robinson, E. “The Slaves Were Happy”: High School Latin and the Horrors of Classical Studies Eilodon
Swallow P. (2023). Teaching Difficult Stories: Trauma-Informed Teaching in the Classics Classroom. Journal of Classics Teaching.24(48):162-164.
Teets, S. Classical Slavery and Jeffersonian Racism Eidolon
You may also be interested in the following book, in which college and university teachers from the UK and USA share their experiences of teaching difficult and sensitive materials:
From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom
Rabinowitz, N. S., and McHardy, F. (2014) Columbus: The Ohio State University Press