Primary School Classics
More and more resources are being developed for use in primary schools; and a number of articles have been written to support thinking and practice. You'll find this list useful.
Books and resources for classical education
Basil Batrakhos and the mystery letter. (Greek). Downloadable here.
Learning Latin Through Mythology. Jayne Hanlin. Cambridge University Press. 1991.
Maximum Classics: a website containing several areas useful in the primary classroom:
Maximum Classics (for Latin)
Mega Greek (for Ancient Greek)
Maximum Civilisations (for Greek and Roman History)
Word Roots (for Greco-Latin etymology)
Minimus: Starting out in Latin. Barbara Bell. Cambridge University Press. 1999.
Minimus Secundus: Moving on in Latin. Barbara Bell. Cambridge University Press. 2004.
Primary Latin Course: Hands Up Education. Free Online.
Vocabulous. Greco-Latin word roots. Online here.
wee classics is a blog run by prof Steph Harrup at Newcastle University which focuses on classical education resources for primary aged children of all minds. See here.
Articles in Journals and books about classical education
Bell, B. (2018). Minimus News. Journal of Classics Teaching, 19(37), 71-78.
Bozia, E., Pantazopoulou, A., & Smith, A. (2023). ‘Translating’ Classics for Generations Z and Alpha. Journal of Classics Teaching, 49.
Bracke, E. (2015). Bringing Ancient Languages Into a Modern Classroom: Some Reflections. Journal of Classics Teaching, 16(32), 35-39.
Bracke, E. (2023). Teaching Latin and ancient Greek in the 21st-century Primary School: Framing local approaches to international challenges. Journal of Classics Teaching, 49.
Bracke, E. (2023). Classics at Primary School. A Tool for Social Justice. London: Routledge.
Di Donato, R., & Taddei, A. (2023). “Educare all'Antico”. Teaching Classical Civilisation in Italian primary and lower secondary schools. Journal of Classics Teaching, 49.
Duchemin, L., Durand, A., & Franceschetti, B. (2023). The Nausicaa experience: Teaching Ancient Greek in French preschools and primary schools. Journal of Classics Teaching, 49.
Holmes-Henderson, A. (2016). Teaching Latin and Greek in Primary Classrooms: The Classics in Communities Project. Journal of Classics Teaching, 17(33), 50-53.
Holmes-Henderson, A. and Kelly, K. (2022).Ancient languages in primary schools in England: A Literature Review. Department for Education. Available here.
Holmes-Henderson, A. and Kelly, K. (2023). Learn the root. Conquer the word. Investigating the efficacy of Vocabulous in teaching word roots. Christ Church, University of Oxford.
Hunt, S. (2023). Latin and Greek in English Primary Schools – seedlings of a classical education. Journal of Classics Teaching, 49.
Hunt, S. (2021). Mind the Classics Gap. Current position of classical studies in English schools from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3. Challenges and solutions. CUCD Bulletin 51.
Manolidou, E., Goula, S., & Sakka, V. (2023). Ancient Greek for Kids: From Theory to Praxis. Journal of Classics Teaching, 24(47), 3-11.
Manolidou, E., & Goula, S. (2023). In Greek we trust! Παίζοντες μανθάνομεν. Journal of Classics Teaching, 49.
Van Gils, L. (2023). At the gymnasium through your football buddy's aunt. Accessibility of classical education in the Netherlands. Journal of Classics Teaching, 49.​​​​​​